Smart Workplace
A modern office must meet a number of criteria to provide additional competitive advantages to your company and attract the best professionals to your team.
The use of smart workplaces, made with modern professional solutions, will not only improve working conditions, increase work efficiency, but also rationally use the resources of the enterprise.

The hybrid work format is becoming increasingly popular among employees of many companies. Thanks to modern technology, more and more workers of different professions can work effectively both in the office and at home. At the same time, the number of employees who prefer a home office is constantly growing. Therefore, fast and secure access to corporate information and necessary software, as well as modern solutions for joint remote work and video conferencing have become indispensable tools for successful business. However, nothing can replace live communication between team members.
This means that business owners should pay special attention to the office space in order to attract employees to work in the office, strengthen team interaction, develop corporate culture, and at the same time ensure security and optimize costs.
Flexibility and Efficiency
To ensure maximum work efficiency and employee loyalty, a modern smart office must be flexible, have functional zones and provide each employee with a workplace that is optimally suited to perform the work and tasks assigned to this employee.
Smart workplace technologies provide that different types and formats of work may require different tools, equipment, and working environment conditions.
For example:
To conduct meetings via videoconferencing office should have a conference room or a small meeting room (huddle room), equipped with the necessary and ready-to-use equipment for high-quality video communications.
If team members need to discuss a project, the best place would be a workspace equipped for collaborative work with one-click personal device connection for each of the participants.
For personal work, it is enough for an employee to have a workplace from which he can access all the necessary data and software, without being tied to a specific desktop or even office.
In addition to work premises, it is also important to have areas in the office for recreation and socializing with colleagues. A few minutes of rest in a designated area will help the employee recover and will contribute to excellent results.

Convenience and Comfort
For effective teamwork in the office should not be distracting and interfering factors. For example, if the office space is too hot, cold, stuffy, noisy or poor lighting, then it is extremely difficult to perform high-quality work in these conditions, while the mood and motivation of employees will be significantly reduced. Therefore, ensuring a comfortable temperature, humidity, lighting in the room is really important and has an impact on the results of the company.
In addition to climatic conditions, the convenience and comfort of work are affected by the complexity and speed of performing some routine tasks that do not require qualification. For example, finding a free meeting room, the process of turning on and setting up meeting equipment, organizing timely cleaning and preparing a room for collaboration, and so on. Such tasks should not take up time and create difficulties, as they can affect the result of the team.
Work convenience and comfort are not a fad, but an underestimated factor that is important to consider in order to unlock potential, optimize performance and increase team motivation.

Office and Employee Security
The issue of security has always been in the first place, but now it has acquired special relevance. If earlier it was more about the prevention of accidents and the penetration of unauthorized persons into the territory, now special attention is paid to measures to protect against various infections.
Different emergencies require different responses, but they all come down to the overall safety of the workspace. That is why a modern office is increasingly equipped with a comprehensive security system, which includes the integration of video surveillance systems, access control, alerts, temperature screening of visitors, planning of occupancy of workplaces using booking systems and so on. Additionally, companies are optimizing their IT infrastructure to enable remote or hybrid work for their employees.
It should be noted that modern security technologies based on artificial intelligence make it possible to develop and implement solutions that not only provide a high level of workspace protection, but also successfully perform a number of other tasks, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise.

Savings and
Environmental Friendliness
The savings should be reasonable. That is, making any changes to save money should not lead to a deterioration in the performance of the enterprise.
Thanks to smart workplace technologies, it is possible to save various company resources, of which the most significant is saving electricity and labor costs. For example, the introduction of modern IT infrastructure, security systems with analytics based on artificial intelligence will significantly reducing the need for personnel servicing these systems.
The use of motion sensors and automation of climate systems and lighting will significantly reduce energy consumption, since electricity consumption will be limited to real demand. Why light up premises where there is no one? Why leave the displays on if there is no need to show video content? Why maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in a premise where no one is working? It's pointless and wasteful. Many companies after implementing automation solutions were surprised to see the amount of resources and money saved.
A rational attitude to natural minerals and various resources is typical for companies that take responsibility not only for the future of their business, but also for the current and future state of the planet's ecology as a whole.